End to end automated insurance digital platform
Your business can have a future-proof insurance service where your task is only to invent your new products. This end-to-end automated insurance digital platform provides everything you need, including fast moving insurance products, full business automation, open service interfaces, and 24/7 availability.
Manage partner types in one module
The platform allows you to manage all your partner types in a single module. You can configure different partner types such as sales partners, users, experts, and more. A partner can belong to multiple partner types, giving you flexibility in how you organize your partner relationships.
Configurable data fields for partner types
Each partner type can have its own set of data fields that can be configured to your specific needs. You can define required fields separately for each partner type, ensuring you collect the right information. This customization gives you control over the partner data you need to manage your business effectively.
Listing and search function
The platform provides a comprehensive listing and search function for partner data. You can define which data fields are displayed in the list view and which ones can be used for searching. This makes it easy to quickly find and access the partner information you need.
Synchronize with other partner databases
The platform allows you to integrate with other partner databases using APIs. This enables you to transfer and receive partner data, ensuring a consistent and up-to-date view of your partner ecosystem. You can, for example, synchronize with a company-level central partner base to maintain a single source of truth for all your partner information.
Offers & Policies
Easy to Create Insurance Offers
You can create a new insurance offer from an empty form, or by copying an existing offer or contract. This makes it easier to release an offer in different versions, allowing you to quickly and efficiently create new offers tailored to your clients' needs. The ability to copy and modify existing offers streamlines the process, saving time and effort.
Packages and Coverages
Packages can be created quickly and easily from pre-defined insurance coverages. The cost of each insurance coverage can be determined in great detail, giving you full control over the pricing of your products. This flexibility allows you to build customized packages that meet the specific requirements of your clients.
Risk Management
Exclusions and limits can be assigned to packages to speed up the risk assessment process. Additionally, you can apply a variety of discounts or surcharges, such as loss ratio bonuses or fee rate discounts, to fine-tune the pricing of your offers. This comprehensive risk management functionality helps ensure your products are priced competitively and profitably.
Clauses and Insured
The platform provides both fixed and user-modifiable text clauses that can be automatically included in the offer form, insurance policy, and claim documents. You can also manage named and unnamed insured persons within the offer, with premiums calculated per coverage. Insured can be uploaded from Excel or via a web service, streamlining the data entry process.
Case Management


Case and Task Types
The system allows for the definition of different case and task types according to the needs of the organizational units. This flexibility ensures that the case management process can be tailored to the specific requirements of each business area, enabling more efficient and effective handling of various types of cases.


Role Permissions
The system also supports the definition of authorization levels to handle cases. Only users with the appropriate competence and permissions can open and execute a given case. This access control mechanism helps maintain the integrity of the case management process and ensures that only authorized personnel can take action on cases.


Workflow Module
The workflow module within the case management system allows for the definition of a unique processing flow for each case type. This enables the organization to establish standardized and streamlined procedures for handling different types of cases, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the overall case management process.


Status Management
The case management system tracks the various statuses of a case, from its creation to its closure. For each status, the system can define the responsible users and the tasks that need to be performed. This status management feature provides visibility and control over the case lifecycle, allowing for better coordination and oversight of the case resolution process.


Cases can have multiple tasks associated with them, which the case manager can use to involve other users in resolving the case. This task-based approach to case management enables collaboration and ensures that the necessary resources and expertise are brought to bear on each case, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective case resolution.


Waiting Time Management
When a user outsources a task to an expert, the system allows for the setting of a timeout period. If the waiting time expires and the required information has not been received, the application will automatically alert the user. This waiting time management feature helps ensure that cases are progressed in a timely manner and that any delays are proactively addressed.


Automatic Case Creation
The case management system can also create cases automatically as a result of various activities, such as incoming emails. Users can set rules to determine which user or team the automatically generated case should be assigned to, further streamlining the case management process and ensuring prompt attention to new cases.


Document Attachment
The system allows for the attachment of documents to each case. These documents are saved in the central document library and can be easily accessed and reviewed by authorized users as part of the case management process. This document attachment feature enhances the completeness and traceability of case-related information.


Listing and Search
The case management module provides a flexible listing and search functionality, allowing users to define the data and search fields to be displayed on the case listing screen. This customization capability ensures that users can easily access and navigate the relevant case information, improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the case management process.





Creating Claims
Use claim APIs to create claim cases through external services.


Mass Loading of Claims
Load settled claims from Excel for external service partners.


Incomplete Data
Create claims even if contract or insured info is missing.
The claims module provides a comprehensive set of features to handle insurance claims efficiently. Claim cases can be created directly through APIs, allowing external service partners to submit claims programmatically. For high-volume claims, the system also supports mass loading from Excel files, with payments made as a single lump sum to the external partner.
Even if the full details of the contract or insured party are not available when a claim is first submitted, the system allows the claim to be created with incomplete information. The claim can then be resumed at a later time once the missing data is provided. This flexibility helps ensure no claims are lost due to lack of information.
The claims module also allows for the definition of different data sets for various coverage types and causes of loss. This enables the system to capture the specific details required for each unique claim scenario. Robust role management and authorization controls ensure the claims settlement process is handled by the appropriate internal and external experts.





Commission Items
Created at insured and coverage level


Commission Calculation
Flat fee and percentage solutions


Commission Rules
Apply to cover, package, contract, broker, sales channel, and product
The commission module in this insurance platform provides a comprehensive solution for managing commissions. Commission items are always created at the insured and coverage level, ensuring a granular level of detail. The platform supports both flat fee and percentage-based commission calculation, giving you flexibility in how you structure your commission schemes.
The commission rule parameters allow you to apply rules based on a variety of factors, including cover, package, contract, broker, sales channel, and product. This means that if multiple rules could be interpreted for a single contract, the platform will automatically calculate the commission based on the strongest applicable rule. Additionally, the commission sharing feature enables you to distribute commissions between multiple intermediaries as needed.
To further streamline the commission management process, the platform automatically creates the related commission items when a fee is booked. During the commission settlement process, commissions with a payable status are identified and must be approved by both a professional and financial approver before being paid out. Finally, the platform applies validations when creating commission rules to prevent overlapping or conflicting rules from being recorded.
Overall, the commission module provides a robust and flexible solution for managing all aspects of the commission lifecycle, from initial setup to final payout. The configurable rules and automated processes help ensure accurate and efficient commission management, supporting your insurance business goals.
Document Storage
The document storage module of the insurance platform provides a centralized and secure repository for all documents generated or uploaded within the system. This includes automatically backing up all documents, applying defined metadata and tags, and enabling robust search and retrieval capabilities.
The metadata and tags associated with each document can be freely defined, allowing the listing and search functions to be customized based on the specific needs of the organization. This makes it easy to locate relevant documents, whether they were created internally or received from external sources.
A key feature of the document storage module is the ability to automatically transfer documents, along with their associated metadata, to a main document library. This ensures a single, centralized repository for all documents, streamlining access and management across the entire insurance platform.
The finance part of the insurance platform takes care of all the money-related things, like getting paid and giving refunds. When people pay their bills or get bonuses, the system automatically adds those payments to a list. Then the finance team can decide what to do with them. If someone gets a bonus, the system will make sure they don't pay too much on their bill. If someone pays for a lot of different things at once, the system will split the payment so the money goes where it needs to. The system also keeps track of all the payments going out, like when people get paid for claims or get refunds. Before the money goes out, it has to be approved by people who know what they're doing. The finance team can search through all this information to find what they need.
Customer Communication
Email Sending
The system allows users to easily send emails to customers, insured individuals, and partners. It utilizes pre-designed templates to ensure consistent and professional communication. This streamlines the email sending process and helps maintain brand identity across all customer touchpoints.
Email Service Integration
If a central email service is available, the system can seamlessly integrate with it. This allows for the transmission and receipt of messages and other information directly from the application, ensuring a unified and efficient communication flow. The system can leverage the capabilities of the central email service to enhance the overall customer experience.
Mailbox Monitoring
The system can be configured to monitor designated mailboxes. It can automatically create new cases or tasks based on incoming emails, or it can filter and forward replies to previously sent messages back to the original senders. This proactive approach to email management helps ensure timely responses and streamlined communication with customers and partners.
Reporting Module
Pre-defined Reports
Reports are stored in the system and can be run at any time.
Role Permissions
Report subsystem has its own authorization management.
Listing and Search Function
Reports can be organized in a library structure and searched by name.